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Solange Tuyishime Keita

Chair - Fundraising Day Ottawa

Message From the Chair

When I was a little girl, I remember our parents often sending us to the neighbours across the street to bring them a big pot of warm food. They lived in an unfinished house, with no doors and no windows. And even as a child, I could still recognise that their reality was significantly different from those around them. I saw everyone in our neighborhood pitch in to ensure that family had their basic needs covered.

That was my introduction to the power of giving, sharing, and contributing towards the betterment of everyone.

At 11 years old, my life would take a significantly different turn when we became refugees. As I experienced life from the other side of the coin, though challenging, it showed me the lifesaving power of the non-profit and charitable sector.  In that moment, I also made a commitment that, when I grew up, I would dedicate my life to making this world a better place.

And here I am today, Chair for Fundraising Day! Talk about dreams becoming a reality!

So how do we make this sector better and create positive change for all?

The 21st century has seen significant progress and changes in fundraising practices due to technological advancements and shifts in social and economic landscapes.

This century has also brought to the forefront long existing challenges that impact the way we represent, advocate, fundraise and serve communities. And that is, Diversity!

But let’s also think beyond – yes, there are issues of accessibility, ethnicity, gender, and race. But what about diversity in fundraising practices?

Diversity challenges in fundraising have encompassed a range of issues related to equity, inclusion, and representation. From representation with lack of diversity in leadership positions, to disparities in donor demographics, challenges in designing fundraising campaigns that resonate with diverse audiences, limited access to funding and resources for organizations serving marginalized communities, and more.

The good news is, we can change this! Our advantage? We are already incredible human beings who have committed to making this world better for everyone. Positive change is part of our DNA.

For these reasons we are pleased to invite you to this year’s Fundraising Day – New Voices: Unveiling the power of inclusive fundraising.

Together we will share ideas that strengthen representation and leadership, engage in workshops that enhance best practices in donor diversity, inclusive fundraising strategies, more access to resources, and inclusive organizational cultures that will elevate your organization’s reach and financial capacity.

Let us build bridges to a better future for everyone! See you all on May 1, 2024.

Solange Tuyishime Keita 
Chair - Fundraising Day Ottawa


Images from previous AFP Ottawa Chapter Fundraising Days
(click on any image to enlarge)