Date(s) - 12/12/2019
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
New Date! December 12, 2019!
“The charitable and non-profit sector has suffered from benign neglect for too long… The time for real change has come.”
After extensive consultations with Canadian charities, non-profit and volunteer groups, the Special Senate Committee on the Charitable Sector released ‘Catalyst for Change: A Roadmap to a Stronger Charitable Sector’ this June. The committee was asked to examine and report on Canada’s charitable and non-profit sector.
The report found that while the sector is resilient and innovative, its potential is limited by what are seen by many stakeholders as complex, outdated rules and a lack of coordinated support within the federal government.
The report makes 42 recommendations for real and genuine change. Join Senators Terry Mercer, Ratna Omidvar and Yonah Martin in a panel discussion to highlight key findings and recommendations from the report. The panel will be moderated by the Chair of the AFP Ottawa Chapter, and President & CEO of the Rideau Hall Foundation, Teresa Marques. If time allows, there will be a question and answer period with the audience. Register Here
Senator Terry Mercer
PSG – (Nova Scotia – Northend Halifax)
ISG – (Ontario)
C – (British Columbia)
Teresa Marques
Chair of the AFP Ottawa Chapter, and President & CEO of the Rideau Hall Foundation